Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation Project

Update - July 2023
The $1.9m Pyramid Hill Streetscape continues to progress and access to Lions Park is now available. The park benches have been installed with the gardens and port holes in the fence the remaining items to be completed.
The construction program within Kelly Park is progressing steadily with footpaths being continually installed to enhance pedestrian accessibility within the park. Additionally, preparations for concrete work around the basketball court are in progress, aimed at providing a well-maintained and functional sports facility for residents to enjoy.
Efforts to realign underground services for stormwater and water supply are ongoing, ensuring a more efficient and reliable infrastructure system. Simultaneously, preparations are underway for the installation of shelter and BBQ facilities, which will create inviting spaces for social gatherings and leisure activities within the community. Works have also commenced to establish the wombat crossing on Kelly Street, contributing to enhanced pedestrian safety and traffic management in the area.
The project is on track for completion late 2023, and Council thanks the residents of Pyramid Hill for their patience throughout this construction project.
The Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation Project aims to:
- Improve the look of the town’s streetscape
- Provide a unique, positive and remarkable image of the town
- Improve the town’s liveability, safety and functionality
- Present Pyramid Hill as an attractive lifestyle option
- Have a positive impact on economic development
The project builds on the Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Masterplan developed in 2016 and will enhance Lions Park, Kelly Street and Kelly Park to create a consistent theme in the township.
The State Government has provided $800,000 in funding towards this project through its Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.
A masterplan was completed in 2016 to scope future works that would improve the streetscape of Pyramid Hill.
The key ideas were:
- Street tree planting at key town centre entries
- Better pedestrian amenity and navigation around the town centre and between key community facilities
- Present a unified and exciting ‘civic green’ proposal for Kelly’s Park precinct
A detailed design was developed between 2021 and 2022 using these key concepts and applies to the following locations:
- Victoria Street, Barber Street and Kelly Street intersection
- Lions Park
- Kelly Park
- Kelly Street, between Lions Park and Kelly Park

Image 1 (above): Project area
Key Features
Key features of the design, as seen in the images below, include:
- New raised pedestrian priority crossing between Lions Park and Kelly Park
- New BBQ and seating area
- New shelters
- New signage for Kelly Park
- New garden beds, tree planting, and turf
- New footpaths

Image 2 (above): Bird's eye view of Kelly Park

Image 3 (above): Bird's eye view of Lions Park

Image 4 (above): Bird's eye view of Kelly Street and Victoria Street intersection
- Improved pedestrian safety and access with a formal crossing point between Lions Park and Kelly Park, and connections through to key locations
- Consistent theme between parks and the streetscape
- Better park facilities for barbecues and picnics
- More shade from shelters and tree plantings
Q & A
Why was the drinking fountain removed in Lions Park?
The drinking fountain has been temporarily removed by the Contractor and will be reinstalled at the completion of works.
Will the large tree with pine needles overhanging the shops be removed?
The tree will be removed as it is inconsistent with other tree species in the street.
Will the raised pedestrian platform cause issues with large agriculture machinery hitting the overhanging power lines?
The alignment of the crossing is far enough away from the overhead power lines and won’t add to the existing issue.
What will happen to the Men’s Shed tables under the rotunda?
The picnic tables built by the Men’s Shed will stay, and be installed on the new concrete pavement at the same location.
Why have some of the concrete footpaths been ripped up that were constructed in the last several years?
Some concrete footpaths had to be reconstructed to match the new pavement to provide a consistent theme through Kelly Park.
Will the Christmas tree in Lions Park remain?
The Christmas tree will remain and a similar tree will be planted in the opposite corner to match it. Council will alter the location of the proposed footpath so the tree is within the garden bed and well protected.
Will there be new parking created to replace the parks lost to the pedestrian crossing?
Council’s long-term plan is to move the bus stop to McKay Street, once the Community Centre is finished. Extra parking will then be provided at the current bus stop.
Kelly Park, Pyramid Hill 3575 View Map
Kelly Park ,
Pyramid Hill 3575
Kelly Park ,
Pyramid Hill 3575
Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation Project