Gravel road maintenance
The road grading works program enquiry tool below provides residents with the ability to identify indicative timeframes for the delivery of planned maintenance grading for all local gravel roads within the Loddon Shire.
Search the Road Grading Works Program
Through this tool, staff, residents and members of the broader public are able to search for a area for which Loddon Shire Council are responsible and quickly identify what programmed maintenance have identified for the given financial year; and more importantly when these works are likely to be completed.
All programmed maintenance tasks which have been identified for delivery throughout the financial year have been listed.
While carrying out regular or programmed maintenance, Council also undertakes reactive maintenance or works which address issues that have been reported by the public and require rectification.
Each individual job or grading activity has been scheduled across the four financial quarters of the year. It is possible that under certain circumstances jobs may be brought forward or delayed in the notional program. Circumstances which impact upon the timeframe for delivery of capital or programmed maintenance works include:
- weather conditions
- identification of high priority unplanned works
- road does not require grading
- seasonal demands
- flooding or storm damage
- equipment breakdowns
- special events.
The scheduling of works across the Shire in accordance with defined localities; combined with the adoption of treatment and inspection cycles identified within Council's Road Management Plan, provides for a comprehensive and consistent approach towards local road maintenance and optimises the use of Council staff and equipment.
It is important that the community provides feedback on the service that Council provides so that opportunities for further improvement can be identified along with confirmation, or otherwise, that Council services are meeting community expectations. Feedback provided by the community also assists Council to improve our responsiveness and address reported issues and customer concerns in a prompt and efficient way.