Local Kindergartens get involved with National Nutrition Week, 16-22 October 2016
Published on 14 October 2016
Did you know that less than 4% of Australians, and less than 1% of children and teenagers, eat enough vegetables each day? In fact, the average Aussie only eats half the recommended amount!
Kindergartens in Loddon Shire are helping to turn that around by promoting ‘Try For 5’ at their centres during National Nutrition Week 2016 as part of the Smiles 4 Miles Eat Well message.
‘Try For 5’ aims to encourage more Aussies to eat their five serves of vegetables every day. Whether they are fresh, frozen or canned, eating more vegetables is one of the easiest, cheapest and tastiest things we can all do for better health and wellbeing.
To mark National Nutrition Week 2016, local kindergarten communities will learn about healthy eating and ‘Try For 5’ by holding a ‘Smiles Party’ with children and their parents/carers. The session will explore ways of getting more fruit and vegetables into busy family lives, why water only is the best drink choice and the importance of twice daily brushing and visiting the dentist regularly.
Michelle Pascoe from Inglewood and Districts Health Service says that Inglewood, Wedderburn and Dingee kindergarten families will all be part of the events over the next two weeks.
Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria and is implemented locally by Inglewood and Districts Health Service, Boort District Health and Northern District Community Health Service. The aim is to improve the oral health of Loddon’s kindergarten aged children and their families by encouraging healthy eating, healthy drinking and good oral hygiene.
Visit www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/national-nutrition-week/celebrate-your-way for a bunch of suggestions on how you can get involved in National Nutrition Week 2016 from 16 to 22 October.